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Brand New Direction

Brand New Direction is a 501c3 agency that is dedicated to empowering disenfranchised communities specifically foster care youth that are aging out of foster care and adults who lack the adequate skills to obtain livable wages.  We provide them with the necessary training and support to get them connected to adequate career pathways. Through our 7 week cohort program, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and help individuals become self-sufficient and successful.


Click below to learn more about our program.


Your generous donation can help us provide essential services and support to the disadvantaged communities we serve. 

We are always looking for passionate and dedicated volunteers to join our team and help us make a difference in the community. 

Our mission is to empower underserved communities by providing comprehensive career and trade training programs that support upward mobility and self sufficiency.


At Brand New Direction, we are a dedicated team of job readiness and career development experts with a combined 20 years of experience. We are passionate about serving the overlooked and underprivileged community, and dedicated to connecting those in need with the resources to build a successful future.  


6 pillars

Brand New Direction's 6 Pillars of Growth provides the necessary training

to adequately equip underserved individuals and communities with the skills to acquire stable trade based careers that promote life long self sufficiency.

Life Skills

Our Life Skills training equips individuals with the knowledge and tools to take on the challenges of the workplace. We provide guidance in problem solving, financial literacy, self awareness, conflict resolution, and effective communication.  Ensuring that our clients have the confidence to succeed in diverse situations.


Our Entrepreneurship training offers comprehensive support for those looking to transition their learned trade into a business. We provide assistance with business planning, market research, and leadership skills to ensure our clients are professionally accountable to succeed. With our guidance, our clients will be well-equipped to make the transition to becoming an entrepreneur.

Job Readiness

Our Job Readiness training helps individuals prepare for the workforce. We focus on helping our clients understand the job market, resume writing, interviewing skills, job search strategy, and work life balance.  This ensures that attendees are ready for the workforce and can maintain longevity in their new job position. 

Mental Health in the Workplace

Our Mental Health in the Workplace training is focused on helping our clients reduce stigma associated with mental health issues, stress management, developing emotional intelligence, and creating healthy boundaries for on the job growth and success. We strive to empower our clients to create an environment that is conducive to positive mental health and well-being.

Career Exploration

Our Career Exploration training helps clients prepare for effective trade and career placement by providing self-assessment tools to identify their strengths and weaknesses, researching trade career options, identifying transferrable skills, networking, job shadowing opportunities, and providing personalized resume building assistance.

Trade and Career Work Experience

Our Trade and Career Work Experience Service provides the perfect opportunity for participants to job shadow their professional of choice.  This allows participants to get aligned with their trade career and connected with the proper trade training program to earn their credentials. Through our service, participants gain the knowledge and experience needed to succeed in their desired career.

Our Projects

Get in Touch

1213 W. Morehead Street

Charlotte, NC 28208


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